Sources – Pollen Path

The sources for artist quotes used in this article are listed below:

David Sylvian interviewed by Derek Richardson, South African Radio, 1998
In conversation with David Sylvian, John Sakamoto, JAM!, 1999
Voice Of The Beehive, Rob Young , The Wire, 1999*
Years of memories, Keesjan van Bunningen, 1998
The author’s conversation with Ged Lynch, 2020
David Sylvian, Meetings With Remarkable Women, Carl Craig, 1999
David Sylvian interviewed by Mark Prendergast, Keyboard Player, 1999
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, television series, PBS, 1988
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Joseph Campbell, 1986
Dead Bees on a Cake, promotional interview cd, 1999

The work of the original interviewers and publishers is gratefully acknowledged and excerpts are reproduced on this site under allowances for fair use in copyright law.

* this interview states that the sessions with Sakamoto were in January ’95, but Mark Prendergast’s interview listed above states January ’96. Sylvian said on the EPK ‘Time Spent’ that the record was released three years after the recording had started, and in an October 1994 interview with Craig Peacock Sylvian said recording would start at the end of 1995. I have adjusted the date to January ’96 to reflect my understanding of when the sessions took place.